Knox College Green Oaks Field Station
Location: Knox County, IL
​Size: 14,000 SF​
Green Features:
Net Positive Energy
Net Positive Water
Red List
Net Zero Waste
Project Info:
H+B is the sustainable design consultant on the Green Oaks Field Station which is currently in the site analysis and conceptual design phase. The Green Oaks Field Station is home to the college’s 10 week immersive program that combines biology, sociology, art, storytelling and more. Knox College is seeking Living Building Challenge certification and possibly LEED Platinum certification for a 14,000 sf living/educational center to house 40 students and other visitors, include classrooms and laboratories, kitchen and dining/community space. The facility is to be a model of sustainable living and culture for the school and community. Programming has included representatives from the art school, sustainability office, administration and field station. A multi-disciplinary utilization of the field station has been forecast building on existing programs and activities and forging new uses.